About Me

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A 40-ish publisher (editor, project manager, etc.), husband, and father of an even number of offspring, I grew up, or failed to, reading fantasy and sci-fi. I still enjoy reading, and now am trying to write. My favorite books include YA fantasy, manga, biography, and advice to authors. I'm also a former history major/grad student/high school teacher and assessment writer. Now I work for a school supplement publisher, specializing in high-low chapter books. I spend a lot of my time controlling reading levels. At night, I cut loose and use long words. W00t!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Do Children's Book Consumers Want?

What Do Children's Book Consumers Want?

This article was good news. I work in school publishing, focusing on trade-style books for older, struggling readers.

Also because I want to write for this market!

Briefly: Just finished Priscilla Galloway's The Courtesan's Daughter. If I was still teaching Western Civ in high school, I might assign it. I'm depressed, though. She's won several awards, but written only a few novels, and adapted another. She spent five years writing this, and is a grandparent. Also, I got the book for $1 or so at a library sale. It's marked "DISCARD" in the ifc. This brings up issues for me... especially since it's a well-written historical novel with a likeable, and admirable, teen female protagonist.

Not sure how late I want to stay up writing, tonight. Maybe I'll read comics. (Just got Mihara Matsukazu's The Embalmer...)

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